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International Business and Economics



Dauer:6 Semester
  • Vollzeit
Titel:Bachelor of Science (BSc)


There are no limits to your professional career: In this age of digitalisation and globalisation, we need worldly-wise managers who can track down market opportunities around the globe. They are equipped with tools that can be used universally: Accounting, Controlling, Marketing, Human Resources Management, Logistics, Information Systems. The English language Bachelor’s programme in International Business and Economics will qualify you as an all-round talent who can be deployed anywhere in the world. 

Register now for the Bachelor’s programme in International Business and Economics and get ready to embark on your international career! 

Do you feel at home all around the world? Do you like to keep an eye on globally connected markets? We can offer you an education that imposes absolutely no limits on your career. Whether in Shanghai, Rio de Janeiro, Silicon Valley, Moscow or London – wherever you go, you can roll up your sleeves and guide companies to success with drive and determination. For your long-term economic success, we can provide you with a complete package: We will equip you with a solid theoretical foundation based on the latest scientific know-how. At the same time, you will learn to use all the practical tools that you will need for your rapid progress – be it in an existing company, in a start-up or in the public sector. We gather the best students from all over the world for the degree programme in Klagenfurt, and we communicate in English throughout the entire programme.

Here, you will become an internationally qualified all-rounder  with a strong background in the following areas: What new business areas are opening up as a result of digitalisation? Do you have the right instincts to market products and services globally? Do you have the potential to become an interculturally skilled HR professional? Are you more of a numbers person who wants to know which key figures lead to success? Or are you someone who has a holistic view of the economy? We cover these and all other important fields.


Focused studies. Our core topics

  • Accounting: The performance of a company is expressed in figures. We introduce you to bookkeeping and financial accounting.
  • Economics: In any given society, goods and factors of production are produced and distributed, but we, as human beings, also act “economically”, i.e. we generate benefits for the individual or for a community. Here in Klagenfurt you will gain a holistic and analytical view of all economic matters – be they large or small.
  • International Economics: How is the global exchange of goods organised and who is in the lead when it comes to import-export balance sheets? Which new markets can be developed globally? But also: What are the effects of our economic system on global inequality and what can we do to counteract them?
  • Service Management: Around 70 percent of total value added in Austria (as in Germany) can be attributed to the service sector. So it’ s definitely worth the effort to keep developing services. We introduce you to market research, customer satisfaction and loyalty management, quality and customer complaint management.
  • Controlling and Strategic Corporate Management: Just how well a company performs can be measured by a wealth of data. Controllers keep an eye on the key metrics and are therefore able to inform management decisions.
  • Corporate Finance: How can companies optimise their capital structure? What dividend policy should be pursued? How are decisions on investments made and how is the value of a company determined? In this area, you will receive answers to these questions and many more besides.
  • Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship: Admittedly, there are those who get together with friends to tinker on a new product in their garage, make a pitch for a million-dollar investment and then triumph on the world market. To bring innovations to market, you also need luck. We will provide you with the knowledge you need to ensure your entrepreneurial fortune is lasting.
  • Marketing and International Management: Products and services have to be marketed in order to ultimately find consumers – regionally as well as globally. We introduce you to market-oriented business management.
  • Energy and Sustainability: In which direction is e-mobility developing and how can money be earned in the long term using sustainable means? We will work with you to find answers to these questions.
  • Human Resources, Management and Organisation: While flat hierarchies dominate in one company and people tend to be on familiar terms, at another, strict processes might help to ensure clear structures. Very often a company’s approach to its staff and the way it defines itself as an organisation is critical to its success. We can show you what human resources management is really all about.
  • Production management and logistics: How do you deliver emergency supplies to disaster areas? What are the global networks that shape the production of goods? We take a closer look behind the global supply chains.
  • Public Management: It’s not only private companies that need to be well managed, the public sector needs good managers too.
  • Law: We will teach you the fundamentals of law that you will later use in your professional work in the business sphere.
  • Taxation: Companies want to operate in a “tax-friendly” way. Here in Klagenfurt you will learn the most important basics of business tax theory and tax law. At the same time, we will also take a look at international tax law.
  • Sociology: The individual is not alone in the world. Neither can the economy be detached from society. Gain a deeper insight into our social behaviour.


Programme structure

In Klagenfurt you can study at your own pace. To help you follow your path with confidence, we keep it clear of (bureaucratic) stumbling blocks and barriers. If you wish to reach your goal quickly and efficiently, we will always be there to support you. Our recommended course of study will guide you through the semesters. You work your way through the curriculum – making the most of opportunities to broaden your horizons and without wasting time. If you would like to know which courses await you before you start, take a look at the wide range of seminars and lectures.

Programme structure


Best prospects. Your professional opportunities

  • Internationally versatile all-round talent with enhanced decision-making skills: The Bachelor’s degree in International Business and Economics qualifies you to take on roles as a responsible, reflective and critical decision-maker and facilitator in international business contexts.
  • Create your own start-up: The degree programme equips you with all the tools you need to start your own business. Be your own boss, turn your business idea into reality and distribute it around the world!
  • Economics: You will learn to determine which markets have the potential for growth and are suitable targets for your company. Many corporations have come to appreciate the holistic and analytical view, thus ensuring that success does not only serve the company, but is beneficial for all of us.
  • All things financial: Controlling and finance departments offer well-paid positions everywhere for those who enjoy working with numbers!
  • Innovation Management: New things are good. But new things need fertile economic soil in order to flourish. You will emerge as an innovation expert who can successfully cultivate new market segments.
  • Service Management: Keeping customers is less expensive than winning new ones. Either way, you need properly organised service processes.
  • Human Resources Development: Headhunters, or so-called human resources managers, are often used in the race for the best brains.
  • Marketing/Advertising: If customers do not perceive a desire to make a purchase, even the best product or the best service won’t be sold. We’ll transform you into a versatile marketing professional.
  • Production and Logistics: What is produced and where? And how does it get from A to B – and ultimately to the customer? If you can keep a cool head and take well-founded decisions in the midst of the ever more complex global network, you too will join the corporate ranks of the high-flyers.


To start the Bachelor’s degree programme in International Business and Economics in Klagenfurt, you need to go through an admission procedure. But no need to panic: Careful preparation always pays off! You simply register for the admission procedure, upload a letter of motivation and study the contents of a few book chapters. Following the admission procedure, we can award 50 university places per academic year. The fact that the number is limited is to your advantage: You are not an invisible element within a huge mass, but rather we have the opportunity to encourage and challenge you as an individual.

Admission procedure

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