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Electrical Engineering



Dauer:4 Semester
  • Vollzeit
Zugang:mit Beschränkung
Titel:Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)
Kosten:Gesetzliche Studiengebühren


Elektrotechnik studieren in Wels

Neue Technologie wie Elektroautos oder erneuerbare und ökologische Energieversorgungssysteme erfordern Forschung in der Elektrotechnik bzw. in der elektrischen Energietechnik. Gleichstromnetze, die für Batterien, Wasserstoffsysteme oder für umweltfreundliche Verteilung und Transport von elektrischer Energie mit Hilfe von Kabelnetzen notwendig sind, Elektroautos und Leistungselektronik sind neueste Technologien, die darauf abzielen grüne und umweltfreundliche Energiesysteme zu etablieren. Die Einführung von SMART Technology in unsere Energiesysteme reduziert die Kosten und erhöht gleichzeitig die Verlässlichkeit und den Zugang zum Endverbraucher. Kurz gesagt: dieses Masterprogramm wird Pioniere ausbilden, die die Energiesysteme zukunftssicher machen. Sie werden Pionierarbeit leisten!


  • Electromagnetic Fields in Multiphysics Systems
  • Power Electronics, Control & Measurement Engineering
  • High Voltage Engineering
  • Digitzalisation of Electric Grids
  • Energy Markets and Energy Law, Financing
  • International Management and Development
  • Ecology
  • Social Competence

You will study in a research active environment. Modern labs like a top modern high -voltage and high-current lab equipped with excellent diagnostic tools (high speed cameras, plasma spectroscopy,…) provide optimal preparation for an internship  in Semester 4. The students will benefit from our  good relations with industry and active research projects.

Why Study With Us?

  • Electrical energy is THE backbone of a modern society
    • With the development of more and more efficient electrical energy  supplies, engineers are in high demand
    • Upper Austria is a strong industry region in the heart of Europe
  • Our graduates are positioned to become members of a network of experts tasked with creating the future of electrical energy supply.
  • Top positions in high national and international rankings
  • Close contact to industry
    • Part-time teachers
    • Real, industry-student led projects
  • In this programme there are international students from all around the world.
  • Study abroad at one of our partner universities
    • Increases your job opportunities
  • Acceptance process via Skype interview
  • Live in the beautiful town of Wels – between Salzburg and Vienna
  • Become part of our network of international alumni's
    • Life-long contacts with your international colleagues
    • Electrical Engineering becomes your life-long home, with life-long friendships
  • Spark the Power Within!


Strong focus on internationalisation, so graduates will be well-prepared for an international environment (taught in English, international study colleagues, internationally active staff and research). Their area of expertise will include research and development (also at universities), technical support of marketing and sales, consulting and services, maintenance and operation, project management. As a result of the programme´s strong focus on science and research and an intensive final project in semester four, an optimal preparation for a successive PhD programme will be achieved.

This international Master’s degree programme meets the demand of the electrical engineering industry which  offers products, systems and services in the field of electrical energy engineering and whose companies  deal with the development, production, operation and maintenance of electrical products and systems.

Graduates are able to work on technically complex and interdisciplinary assignments. Possible careers could be for example related to products or systems responsible for high-voltage installations for energy distribution or as a project manager for (further) developing electrical energy engineering products.


abgeschlossenes facheinschlägiges Bachelorstudium (180 ECTS Punkte), gute Englischkenntnisse

