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Automotive Mechatronics and Management



Dauer:4 Semester
  • Vollzeit
Zugang:mit Beschränkung
Titel:Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)
Kosten:Gesetzliche Studiengebühren
Studienstart:jährlich mit 15 Plätzen


Erstes duales FH OÖ-Masterstudium für die Automobil- und Fahrzeugindustrie

Die rasante Entwicklung der Fahrzeugtechnik führt zu einem immer intensiveren Zusammenwachsen der Bereiche Mechanik,  Elektronik, und Informatik. Eine Ursache hierfür ist, dass nur durch das optimale Zusammenspiel vielfältiger mechanischer und elektronischer Komponenten Fahrzeuge zu dem werden, was die Kunden von ihnen fordern. Viele Funktionen hinsichtlich Komfort, Sicherheit und Effizienz werden erst durch mechatronische Systeme ermöglicht. Innovationen zukünftiger Fahrzeuggenerationen werden somit immer mehr aus dem Bereich der Mechatronik entstammen. In diesem Kontext sind spezifisches Fachwissen in den mechatronischen Disziplinen, verbunden mit wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Kompetenz die zentralen Anforderungen, die Unternehmen der Fahrzeugindustrie an zukünftige MitarbeiterInnen und Führungskräfte stellen. Genau hier setzt das Ausbildungskonzept des Masterstudiengangs Automotive Mechatronics and Management an!


The study program focusses on following areas:

  • Vehicle Engineering: vehicle components, drive concepts, road performance
  • Vehicle Mechatronics:, sensors, actuators, signal preparation, system architecture
  • Vehicle Systems: regulation-, safety- and support systems
  • Vehicle Informatics: communication structure, Car2X communication,
  • embedded systems
  • Quality Management: quality planning, quality assurance, quality
  • management systems
  • Management & Law: innovation, market-oriented management,
  • IPR: Intellectual Property Right
  • Business Economics: management, controlling, production economics
  • Social Competence: intercultural-, moderation-, leadership competence 


Graduates receive a targeted education in order to work as project managers or project leader in the field of Product Development of mechatronic systems. Typical tasks are in the following fields:

  • project planning, risk management and resource planning for the development of mechatronic systems
  • coordination of development projects culminating in series production readiness
  • monitoring of development progress with the focus on quality, resources and time (R&D Controlling)
  • coordination of international developer teams
  • communication and coordination with customers and suppliers
  • support of Quality Management in respect of feasibility and risk analysis
  • securing projecct documentation

As a Development Engineer for Mechatronic Systems with the focus on the design and validation of mechatronic systems the typical tasks and activities are as follows:

  • Requirements Management with the aim of a common understanding between the contractor and contractee about the mechatronic system to be developed.
  • System design: establishment of the essential physical and logical effects of the future product in the form of a domain-spanning solution concept.
  • System integration: integration of the results of the individual domains to a complete system
  • planning and coordination of prototype production and execution of design and product validation
  • Safeguarding of characteristics: matching of the desired system characteristics tot he system specifications
  • Support of the industrialisation process in production facilities

As a Quality Manager in a company in the motor vehicle industry graduates of this program undertake the following tasks:

  • Quality Planning/Quality Control within a QM team using QM methods and QM systems
  • Recogition in-time of risk and mistake potential in running development projects
  • Securing and executing quality requirements
  • Further development of the Quality Management System following ISO TS 16949
  • Responsibility for the keeping to clearly defined rules in the problem management process
  • support of certifications and quality tests
  • co-work on supplier evaluations and audits


Due to their broad knowledge graduates can be involved in the design and validation of mechatronic systems in development projects as engineering experts or as project managers. Typical career positions: 

  • Project Leadership and Project Management in the field of product development of mechatronic systems with a combination of engineering and economics tasks (e.g. investigation of requirements and drawing up of technical specifications and contracts, technical and economic coordination of the project team, obtaining and evaluating orders etc.)
  • Development Engineer for Mechatronic Systems mainly in the fields of system design (establishment of the essential physical and logical effects of the future product in the form of an interdisciplinary solution concept), system integration (integration of the results of the individual domains to a whole system) and   verification and validation (matching of the achieved system characteristics to the system design) 
  • Automotive Quality Management: in this position graduates are responsible for drawing up quality plans in cooperation with the responsible departments, moderating FMEAs and other quality methods, carry out initial samplings on both the supplier and the customer side and supervise the transfer to series production of mechatronic systems.
  • Self-employed entrepreneur in the field of Mechatronics focusing on the design and validation of mechatronic systems or in the field of Quality Management.


abgeschlossenes, facheinschlägiges Bachelorstudium (180 ECTS Punkte), gute Englischkenntnisse

