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Environmental Systems Sciences / Climate Change and Transformation Science



Dauer:4 Semester
  • Vollzeit
Titel:Master of Science „MSc“


Our interdisciplinary Master's Program is unique in that you can choose a clear focus in either natural or social sciences, but at the same time learn to collaborate across disciplinary boundaries, to understand each others research problems and approaches. You develop an interdisciplinary community of practice which is essential to succeed in the complex field of climate change and social transformation.

You can specialize either in physical climate sciences or in social and economic aspects of climate change. Your specialization is complemented by introductory courses in the respective other discipline. In a cross-cutting module, students from both specializations work together on interdisciplinary aspects such as climate risks and resilience. In a practical module you will experience solving real life problems in interdisciplinary teams of students. A comprehensive elective subject allows you to deepen your specialization, or gain deeper insight into the other field, or to broaden your knowledge beyond the two specializations and think outside the box.


Graduates of the programme are perfectly qualified to contribute to solutions across a wide range of professional contexts: They typically find employment in research and teaching, in governmental and non-governmental fields or in the private and industrial sector.


We are looking for students with a deep interest in natural or social science aspects of climate change, but most importantly with the curiosity and enthusiasm for interdisciplinary work on climate risks and transformation to a resilient society. You should enjoy working and discussing with teachers and fellow students, and getting your hands on complex mathematical problem solving and modeling. For admission, you must have completed a relevant degree programme.
