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Applied Image and Signal Processing - Joint Degree



Dauer:4 Semester
  • Vollzeit
Zugang:mit Beschränkung
Titel:Diplomingenieur / Diplomingenieurin (DI)
Kosten:Gesetzliche Studiengebühren
Studienstart:jährlich mit 20 Plätzen


Image and signal processing affect our daily lives in an ever-increasing way. Participate in designing this fascinating technology and shape its future function in business and society using AI empowered algorithms and methodology. Today‘s networked devices for image and signal generation provide a historically unmatched volume of raw data for automated decision making and control systems. The master programme Applied Image and Signal Processing enables you to design and implement professional data driven solutions in a range of exciting application areas.

Why study Applied Image and Signal Processing?

Based on prior bachelor studies, the joint master programme for Applied Image and Signal Processing offers you thorough technical training at the cutting edge of research. With an unprecedented amount of raw data being generated by networked devices for image and signal generation, it has become vital to develop new tools and software programmes to distil useful information.

This master programme prepares you with an advanced ability for modelling, problem solving and optimisation. It familiarises you with formal and methodical basics as well as with diverse fields of application. Highly research-oriented courses and small groups provide an appropriate setting for creating innovative approaches and creative ideas.

Among other topics, you will learn about:

  • artificial intelligence
  • mathematical models and algorithms
  • geometric modelling
  • audio processing
  • digital media formats
  • IT project management skills


Starting with the second year of the master programme Applied Image and Signal Processing, specific application scenarios are discussed and corresponding technologies are investigated in a number of elective courses. Choose two such courses from the list on the next page and complement those by free electives with a total sum of 6 ECTS in the 3rd or 4th semester. While it is recommended to take a third course from the aforementioned list, other lectures given in English on one of the two universities also qualify as free electives.

Salzburg University of Applied Sciences:

  • Natural Language Processing
  • Reinforcement Learning

Paris Lodron University Salzburg

  • Medical Imaging
  • Biometric Systems
  • Media Security
  • Computational Geometry
  • Machine Learning


This Joint Degree Master's programme broadens and extends the students' knowledge and provides preliminary scientific training for the profession. It builds on a relevant Bachelor's degree and offers detailed specialised training based on research-oriented teaching. Courses cover introductory and advanced topics from fields such as image and signal processing, as well as their formal and methodological foundations combined with numerous areas of application. The knowledge and skills acquired provide our graduates with flexible access to jobs and encourage innovations in the area of image and signal processing. Writing a Master's thesis serves to prove that the student is qualified to work independently on academic topics based on a correct methodology, thereby laying the ground for further PhD study. In this way, the qualifications for further scientific research are met. In particular, graduates are able to autonomously solve complex problems by applying and developing further image and signal processing systems. This programme explicitely refers to questions of ethics and sustainability (see the corresponding recommendation in § 7(2)) and implicitly also addresses gender questions in order to raise awareness of the role gender plays in research and development of image and signal processing systems, whilst creating a forum in which to explore different approaches to software and hardware by different users. The following learning outcomes will be reached when completing the programme:  

  • Students are able to understand the fundamental theoretical concepts of image and signal processing. 
  • Students have knowledge about state-of-the-art algorithms, tools, and software libraries in image and signal processing. 
  • Students are skilled in solving real-world as well as research oriented problems by applying appropriate hard- and software systems in image and signal processing
  • Students are aware of a set of current application fields of image and signal processing and are able to conduct application oriented software projects in those fields. 
  • Students are able to read and understand scientific publications in the area of image and signal processing and are capable to implement algorithms which map the publications in working software prototypes.
  • Students are able to systematically test and evaluate image and signal processing related applications and are able to write documentation according to commonly accepted scientific working principles. 


Image and signal processing systems are an integral part of a huge variety of IT-systems, ranging from autonomously driving cars, surveillance systems, medical imaging, vision-based quality control in production, to personalised systems like consumer cameras and smartphones with many corresponding apps. Therefore, graduates will be highly welcome in a wide range of companies in the IT-field. 

Graduates of the master’s programme in Applied Image and Signal Processing are expected to often pursue careers in the following fields in particular: 

  • Industry Research and Development (hard- and software development for image and signal processing systems)
  • Software development including image and signal processing aspects
  • Academic careers in image and signal processing
  • Project management and project lead in image and signal processing related fields
  • Consulting and training lead in image and signal processing related fields 


Completion of a relevant Bachelor programme in the field of Informatics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics, Automation Engineering, Media Informatics, Computational Engineering or another technical degree programme at a recognised Austrian or foreign post-secondary institution.

To be considered relevant, the completed programme has to compromise at least 180 ECTS credit points (corresponds to three academic years) and has to meet the following criteria:

  • Core area Informatics: Proficiency in a procedural programming language, application and implementation of classical algorithms and data structures (lists, sorting), as well as use of libraries (mathematics, input/output)
  • Core area Mathematics: Basics of one-dimensional real and complex-valued analysis, basics of algebra (especially: matrices, solving systems of equations), probability calculus and descriptive statistics including correlation & regression analysis.
  • Core area Signal Processing: Basics of signal processing (time domain, frequency domain, Fourier series, Laplace and Z-transform, convolution, sampling, Linear Time Invariant Systems)

Adequate English proficiency is assumed, ideally (but not necessarily) documented through  a certificate (e.g. TOEFL) and will be assessed in an individual interview.
