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PhD-Studium (Doctor of Philosophy)



Dauer:6 Semester
  • Vollzeit
Titel:Doctor of Philosophy, PhD
Sprache:keine Angabe


Das PhD-Studium an der Veterinärmedizischen Universität Wien ist ein postgradualer Studiengang zur Ausbildung von NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen in Veterinärmedizin, Lebenswissenschaften und verwandten Bereichen.

Das PhD-Studium hat eine dreijährige Dauer und soll neben einer Ausbildung in der naturwissenschaftlichen Forschung (in Form eines umfangreichen Forschungsprojekts) auch Grundfähigkeiten in der Lehre und so genannte Generic Skills vermitteln, die den AbsolventInnen den Einsteig in das Berufsleben erleichtern sollen.

Erfolgreichen AbsolventInnen des PhD-Studiums wird der Titel des „Doctors of Philosophy“ von der Vetmeduni Vienna verliehen, der einen international anerkannten akademischen Grad darstellt und damit die Basis einer Karriere in der Wissenschaft.


All recruitment will be in line with the European Charter for Researchers, which will provide the overarching framework of guidelines and requirements for the roles, responsibilities and entitlements of both the PhD students, their employer and advisors. The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers will be the guiding set of principles followed and will ensure selection procedures are fair and transparent.

The PhD program at the Vetmeduni Vienna is open to students who have successfully completed University studies (comprising 300 ECTS credits) in the field of Veterinary Medicine, Life Sciences or related disciplines.

The admission of outstanding students with a university degree comprising less than 300 ECTS credits is possible.

The application documents should be submitted to the prospective future PhD advisor and include the following documents:

  • informal application for a PhD position at the University indicating the personal qualifications and motivation for the PhD program as well as the fields of scientific interest and expectations regarding the future professional career;
  • curriculum vitae
  • certificates
  • statement about the knowledge of English

After consultation with other members of the vetmeduni vienna, the primary PhD advisor selects the most suitable candidate among the applicants. The details of the selection procedure are left to the primary PhD advisor.

For final approvement by the PhD curricular committee the selected applicant will submit the following documents:

  • a letter of the PhD advisor, specifying the topic of the research project, commitment to provide scientific supervision, laboratory and office space and funding for three years.
  • a description of the planned research project of no more than 4 pages presenting the current state of research in the given research area and the project scheme including a German and English title (in agreement with the PhD advisor); thus specifying the challenging nature of the research project and the expected scientific impact;

New PhD students can be admitted only at the beginning of every term.
