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Innovation and Product Management



Dauer:4 Semester
  • Vollzeit
Zugang:mit Beschränkung
Titel:Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)
Kosten:Gesetzliche Studiengebühren
Studienstart:jährlich mit 23 Plätzen


Innovationen für internationale Märkte

Durch den sich weiter verschärfenden globalen Wettbewerb gewinnt die Innovationsfähigkeit für international tätige Unternehmen immer mehr an Bedeutung. Nur durch die Vernetzung von Marketing, Design und Technik in Verbindung mit strategischem Denken kann die erfolgreiche Entwicklung von Produktinnovationen nachhaltig gesichert werden. Genau dort setzt dieser Masterstudiengang an. In einem richtungweisenden, interdisziplinär ausgerichteten Ausbildungsmodell, in dem die Verzahnung aller Aspekte des Innovationsprozesses im Vordergrund steht, werden die Kompetenzen des integrierten Innovations- und Produktmanagements theoretisch fundiert und praxisnahe vermittelt.


Today no company leaves the development of new, marketable products or services to chance. The competitive environment is too complex and dynamic nowadays.

For sustainable and long-term success it is therefore necessary to know and be able to apply methods and tools to initiate and implement product-, process- and service innovation. Skills which drive the innovation process such as creativity and systematic work methods need to be developed.

What does such systematic and integrated innovation and product management require? Dedicated engineers with engineering, marketing and management skills. These are the priorities of this Master's programme.


Product Concept Design: Design-centered factors represent in many cases key potential for differentiation and efficiency of mechatronic products. As a future product concept designer, you learn to consider goal-orientated and resources-friendly ergonomic, functional and aesthetic aspects in the ideas and concept phase.

Development Process Engineering: This specialization module deals with optimization of integrated development processes of mechatronic products. You are taught how to design and implement a system for information, planning and monitoring of development in support of the R & D department.

Innovation and Strategy:

Strategic Innovation and Technology Management: This field covers the planning of innovation strategies and their coordination with the strategic planning of other functional areas. This includes holistic planning, management and monitoring of technological innovation processes in international companies. Furthermore, you will also learn the skills needed for the implementation and maintenance of an innovation-friendly corporate culture.

Strategic product management: This is about the implementation of the innovation and product strategy by the optimum design of the product range in terms of product breadth and depth. You learn how to use strategic monitoring to identify and develop potential for success and how, as a senior manager in product management, to set appropriate strategic product policy measures throughout the product life cycle.

International Marketing: This course module deals with planning and implementing a global marketing strategy. Topics include international market research and business-type-specific planning of the service programme and pricing policy as well as distribution, communication, service and brand policies of international industrial goods companies.


Here brand-new and future methods of engineering are presented as well as  processes and tools. These include modern materials, future technologies, simultaneous engineering, topics from the usability field, bionics or reverse or simultaneous engineering. You will also learn about modern manufacturing technologies in the field of rapid prototyping.

Professional Skills

Especially in an international environment excellent social skills are essential. Skills and know-how in leadership, intercultural communication, negotiation, teamwork, etc. are conveyed through seminars and workshops on- but also off-site.


In technologically challenging markets products and processes need to be optimized within ever shorter time intervals and new products and processes designed and positioned. Moreover, increasing globalisation leads to greater complexity of development processes and management tasks.

Graduates of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria Master’s degree programme "Innovation and Product Management" meet exactly the requirements of international industrial goods companies.

  • As a manager of technical innovations and products you are primarily responsible for theconceptual design and positioning of products and thus ensure the long-term success of your business.
  • You develop and implement appropriate marketing and design strategies that will allow your firm to stand out in terms of success and sustainability  from the competition.
  • As a "Process Development Engineer" you are responsible for the design and implementation of an efficient and integrated development process.
  • As a "Product Concept Designer" you develop design concepts and models using new tools and visualization methods.


abgeschlossenes facheinschlägiges Bachelorstudium (180 ECTS Punkte)
